Garisea is a marketplace platform that endeavors to provide the best vehicle listings from verified and legitimate vendors. In service of this objective, we have a defined verification process that seeks to filter out and only allow legal entities/organizations to create accounts, online shops and trade on the website. We also go a step further and verify vehicles to ensure that the listings on Garisea physically are as described on Garisea, so that we construe misleading information.
Vendor Verification
All Vendors on Garisea need to meet the following criteria to be eligible:
Be a registered entity (Limited Liability Company, Sole Proprietor, Partnership, or any other legal entity), with documentation to prove that
Account owner should be above 18 years old, and have documentation to prove that
Have a physical location that can be independently verified (e.g. car yard, show room, office, etc), where a customer can visit and transact from
Once a Vendor/Seller has met these requirements, they would now need to provide the necessary documentation to support this through their account on Garisea, and any followup messages either on Garisea messaging system or email. If all information provided digitally is satisfactory, the vendor account will be activated, and now the vendor's vehicle listings and vendor shop on Garisea will be functional and visible.
Vendor Verified Badge: For the next step in the verification process, a Garisea agent/staff would physically visit the physical location added to the vendor account for physical identification and verification of the location and documentation. Once all the verifications are satisfactory, the vendor then receives a Vendor Verified Badge
on their Garisea shop, and all vehicle listings.
Vehicle Verification
All Vehicles on Garisea need to meet the following criteria to be eligible:
The vehicle details and specifications added should tally with the images that have been added for the listing
The vendor selling the vehicle should be Active on Garisea
Once a Vehicle has met these requirements, it would then be activated and will be available on the Garisea website.
Vehicle Verified Badge: For the next step in the verification process, a Garisea agent/staff would physically visit the physical location where the vehicle is available for assessment. We have a 200-point checklist that we use to verify vehicles. A technically competent Garisea agent/staff will assess the vehicle to verify it's exactly as described on the website. Once all the verifications are satisfactory, the vehicle then receives a Vehicle Verified Badge